
WhatsApp Now Allows Users to Pin Messages While Doing Chat

WhatsApp’s new feature enhances messaging by allowing users to pin messages during chats. This simplifies highlighting crucial information in individual and group conversations, saving users time when locating essential messages.

Pinning Messages: A Quick Guide

To pin a message, users simply long-press the desired message and select ‘Pin’ from the context menu. A banner then appears, offering duration options of 24 hours, 7 days (the default), or 30 days for the pinned message.

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Versatility and Encryption

Users can pin various message types, including text, polls, images, and emojis while maintaining end-to-end encryption for security. Tapping the pinned message banner conveniently navigates users to the specific message within the chat.

Group Dynamics: Admins Take Charge

In group chats, administrators control who can pin messages, deciding if it’s open to all members or restricted to admins only. When a message is pinned, a system notification informs everyone who pinned it. However, new group members cannot view pinned messages if they join after the message is pinned.

Managing Pinned Messages: Unpinning and Expiry

Users can unpin a message at any time, and if left untouched, it will automatically unpin when the set duration expires. This feature helps keep chats organized effortlessly without constant manual intervention.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the new pinning feature on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp now allows users to pin messages in one-on-one and group chats, making highlighting and accessing important information easier.

How do I pin a message on WhatsApp?

To pin a message, long-press on the message and select ‘Pin’ from the context menu. A banner will appear, allowing you to choose the duration for which the message will remain pinned.

What are the available duration options for pinned messages?

You can pin a message for 24 hours, seven days (default), or 30 days.

Can I pin different types of messages?

Yes, you can pin text, polls, images, and emojis while maintaining end-to-end encryption for security.

How do I access a pinned message?

Tapping on the pinned message banner will navigate you directly to the pinned message within the chat.

Who can pin messages in group chats?

In group chats, administrators can control whether all members or only admins can pin messages.

Will others be notified when a message is pinned in a group chat?

Yes, a system notification will inform everyone in the group about the message and who pinned it.

Can new group members view pinned messages?

No, new members who join after a message has been pinned will not be able to see that pinned message.


WhatsApp’s new pinning feature enhances chat management by allowing users to highlight important messages with customizable durations. This feature, available for various message types, simplifies access to crucial information while maintaining end-to-end encryption.

In group chats, administrators can control pinning permissions, and notifications keep everyone informed about pinned messages. With the flexibility to unpin messages or let them expire automatically, this update ensures chats remain organized with minimal effort.

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