
Can Someone See Story After You Unhide Them on Instagram?

Social media platforms like Instagram present challenges and features that often spark curiosity. One such feature is the “hide story” option. While many of us occasionally use this feature to manage who views our content, it’s essential to understand its implications.

When you unhide someone on Instagram, can they view the story that was previously hidden from them? Essentially, the “hide story” feature is a temporary measure to control visibility without blocking users. If you unhide someone, they can see the story content from that point onward. We will explore how this works and what it means for your content visibility.

Can someone see the story after you unhide them on Instagram?

When sharing stories on Instagram, many users hide content from specific followers. You can unhide those individuals if you decide to reverse this decision.

To clarify, once you unhide someone, they will regain access to your previously hidden stories. This means they can view your content just like any other follower.

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How do you hide and unhide a story on Instagram?

If you’re curious about how to manage who views your Instagram stories, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide on hiding and then unhiding your Instagram story.

To hide your story:

  • Open Instagram and tap the “Your Story” icon in the top left corner, or press the “+” icon at the bottom navigation bar and select “Story.”
  • Tap the gear icon in the top-right corner to access your settings.
  • Select “Story” from the options at the top.
  • Under the “Viewing” section, tap “Hide Story From.”
  • Choose “People,” then select the users you want to hide your story from by tapping the circles next to their names. A checkmark will indicate they cannot view your stories.

To unhide your story:

  • Follow steps 1-4 from above.
  • Scroll through the list of hidden users at the top.
  • Find the user(s) you want to unhide. Use the search icon if needed.
  • Tap the checkmark icon next to their names to restore their access to your stories.

If you prefer that the user doesn’t see your story even after unhiding them, consider deleting the tale from your profile before unhiding them. If deleting isn’t an option, explore other methods to manage your story visibility. Continue reading for more details on these features.

How do you create a close friends list on Instagram?

Many Instagram creators aspire to build large followings, yet they often wish to share certain moments with a select group of trusted individuals.

Even with a private account, you might seek a more intimate way to share stories. Instead of using the hide story feature, you can create a “Close Friends” list to ensure that only a chosen few see your stories.

Here’s how to create and manage your Close Friends list on Instagram:

  • Open Instagram and tap the “+” icon at the bottom.
  • Select “Story,” then go to “Settings.”
  • Choose the “Story” option from the Camera settings.
  • Tap on the “0 people” under the Close Friends category.
  • Select the individuals you want to add to your Close Friends list by tapping the circles next to their names.
  • Once you’ve made your selections, tap “Done.”

Your Close Friends list will now reflect the number of people you’ve selected; only those individuals can access your exclusive stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone see my Instagram story if I unhide them?

Yes, once you unhide someone on Instagram, they can see any stories you share from that point forward. However, they will not be able to view stories that were posted while they were hidden.

Will the person be notified when I unhide them?

No, Instagram does not notify users when they are unhid from seeing your stories. They will only notice they have access again when they view your stories.

If I unhide someone, can they see all past stories?

No, unhiding someone does not grant them access to stories posted while they are hidden. They can only view stories posted after they have been unhid.

Can I choose which stories a user can see after unhiding them?

No, you cannot select specific stories for users to see after unhiding them. Once unhid, users will have access to all future stories you share.

How can I hide someone from seeing my stories again after unhiding them?

To hide someone again, go to your story settings and select the “Hide Story From” option. From there, you can choose to hide your stories from specific users.

What happens if I delete a story after unhiding someone?

If you delete a story, it will no longer be visible to anyone, including those you’ve unhided. Deleting a story removes it from all viewers’ access.

Can I see if someone has seen my story after unhiding them?

You can see who has viewed your stories in the viewers list. If you unhide someone and they view your story, their name will appear in the list of viewers.


Unhiding someone on Instagram will restore their ability to view any new stories you share from that point forward. However, they will not gain access to stories posted while they are hidden.

While Instagram does not notify users when they are unhid, you can always manage your story visibility by using features like “Hide Story From” and creating a “Close Friends” list for more selective sharing.

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